Software EngineerFull Stack & Mobile Development

Willy Romero photo

Hi there I'm Willy! 👋 Sending greetings from Ecuador. I'm here to create innovative solutions for you!


  1. Freelance Software Engineer

    June 2021 - Present

    1. Develop innovative web applications using modern technologies.
    2. Solid experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node, Express, among others.
    3. Maintained web and mobile applications to ensure functionality and performance.
    4. Implemented CI/CD solutions to automate build and deployment processes for mobile apps, ensuring a high quality delivery to both App Store and Google Play Store platforms.
    5. Extensive knowledge in the design and efficient management of databases, both SQL and NoSQL.
    6. Created maintainable and scalable solutions through the application of design patterns and best coding practices.
    7. Proficient in conveying technical concepts and actively engaging in team discussions.
  2. Backend Developer, Specialized Medical Center 'La Dolorosa'

    May 2022 - May 2023

    1. Led the backend development ensuring best architecture practices and clean code.
    2. Build web application to provide high valuable features to cover the main management processes of patients information, achieving 61% improvement of performance efficiency.
    3. Designed database model and its respective implementation using Sequelize ORM.
    4. Created a data integration solution for the ICD-10 using an ETL process.
  3. Intern, Web Development

    Sep 2022 - Jan 2023

    1. Contributed to team projects focused on web application development, particularly in stock management, utilizing technologies such as Node, Express, React, PostgreSQL, and an agile approach with Scrum methodology.




A web platform efficiently collecting and presenting global earthquake data in a modern, responsive interface. It offers flexibility for customizing earthquake data integration as needed.

PostGISRubyRailsReact.jsLeafletTailwind CSSDocker
Health Chief

Health Chief

It is a complete solution for managing a clinic or health center. It is a simple and easy way to manage the clinic process and patient information (in dev).

PostgreSQLNode.jsReact.jsTailwind CSS
Get Fashionable

Get Fashionable

Social Network to share fashion designs and trends. Discover fashion trends, designs, styles and connect with people who love fashion and design. It is a place to get inspired and inspire others.

ICD-10 Microservice

ICD-10 Microservice

Integrate the ICD-10 microservice into your application to access the standard version of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10).

Scientific Grapher

Scientific Grapher

Visualize complex scientific graphs in 2D and 3D with animations and precision. It is a powerful tool for scientists and engineers. Provides a prebuild set of functions, classes and operations to create visual representations of some objects.



Management of a list of pokemons with CRUD operations. This is a example that show easy way to manage some entity information, using hexagonal architecture approach.

Network Analyzer

Network Analyzer

Scan the IP addresses of a network to discover connected devices or scan specific devices and ports. It can be used to detect open ports of a IP or network, and operative systems of the devices.

Restaurant Billing

Restaurant Billing

A user-friendly Restaurant Billing App, simplifies the management of raw materials from food products to the dishes available on the menu.

Music Player

Music Player

An intuitive desktop application designed to enhance your music listening experience. Provides a comprehensive solution for all your desktop music playback needs.



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